Monday, January 6, 2020

Conflicts in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - 1002 Words

The movie â€Å"The Boy in Striped Pajamas† is filled with conflict. The movie is take place in Germany, during World War II. Bruno is the main character, he is a nine-year-old boy and his family moves from Berlin to a new home. Bruno’s father is a SS Commandant and is assigned to take command of a prison camp. He gets promoted to commandant of Auschwitz. Bruno explores off into the woods to where it is off limits. He stumbles across this fenced off area and sees a young boy about his age. Bruno goes up to this little boy. He is dirty looking, no shoes, and is wearing striped pajamas. The child’s name is Shmuel. The two start talking and becomes very close friends. Bruno is very curious about what Shmuel. Why is he there, how he got†¦show more content†¦If any one were to speak out against it you were shot or sent to the camp with the Jews. There was no speaking out during WWII. Bruno’s family did not have a choice to do much of anything, especial ly with Bruno’s father working for the SS. The interpersonal conflict is between the mother and father, and then Bruno and his sister. Bruno disagrees with the Nazi Propaganda going on while his sister is for it. There is a part though where Bruno is talking to a soldier and disagrees with the soldier’s opinion. The soldier starts talk to Bruno rudely and hurt him but his sister sticks up for Bruno, and protects him every step he takes. The same conflict is with the parents the father is for while the mother is against it. When it comes down to when Bruno is missing, they work together to try to find their son. The value conflict is throughout the movie. The mother knowing the difference between right and wrong yet she doe not say it. The father’s parents come to dinner and his mother tells him that he is a murderer, while his father yells and says he is a brave solider. Both of the mothers know right from wrong and recognize it from the beginning. Bruno and hi s sister have interest conflict. His sister finds the soldiers to be good looking and she put pictures on her wall of them. This is the only real reason why she supports the Nazi’s. she has a crush on the one soldier and her interest becomes greater. Bruno though knows that is wrong and they haveShow MoreRelatedThe Devil And Miss Prym1713 Words   |  7 Pagesaddress the stranger’s proposition, but Bruno in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (a motion picture) also has to battle his inner devil. In the movie Bruno is an eight year old boy living in Germany during World War II. Bruno does not understand the war, or the promotion his father has been given by Hitler. His inner good verse evil is trying to dissect all that he is learning from his new home next to the ‘farm’ where the workers wear striped pajamas all day. 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